Staff correspondence and reports, 1980-1987.


Staff correspondence and reports, 1980-1987.

Correspondence and reports of various staff members documenting the board's numerous duties, responsibilities, and programs, including research and planning, technical assistance, facilities development assistance, special projects, public information, and education. Specific responsibilities and projects covered include the development of a comprehensive state hazardous waste management plan; location of hazardous waste disposal facility sites; creation of an "Inventory of Preferred Areas" for hazardous waste processing facilities; solid waste management assistance; county waste management planning assistance; waste education; market development; and waste tire abatement.

7.25 cu. ft. (7 boxes and 1 partial box)


SNAC Resource ID: 6779754

Related Entities

There are 1 Entities related to this resource.

Minnesota Waste Management Board (corporateBody)